Walking Home From The ICU Episode 147: The Big Picture of Hospital-Aquired Pressure Injuries with Wound Care Karen

Walking Home From The ICU Episode 147: The Big Picture of Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injuries with Wound Care Karen

How do hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) occur in the ICU and why is the ABCDEF bundle such a powerful tool to prevent HAPIs? How do HAPIs impact healthcare costs, staff workload, patient quality of life, and overall survival? Wound Care Karen joins us in this episode to explore the crisis of hospital-acquired pressure injuries in

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Episode 144: Living With a "Sedation-Induced Brain Injury" and PICS

Walking Home From The ICU Episode 144: Living With a “Sedation-Induced Brain Injury” and PICS

Until post-ICU syndrome is widely known and the impact is deeply appreciated, we will continue to fall short of evidence-based sedation and mobility practices. The real experts on post-ICU syndrome (PICS) are those that live with it. Carol Billian joins us now to share her personal expertise. Episode Transcription Kali Dayton 0:47 It’s time to

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Walking Home From The ICU Episode 132- The Power of ICU Diaries to Treat Post-ICU PTSD

Walking Home From The ICU Episode 132: The Power of ICU Diaries to Treat Post-ICU PTSD

Post-ICU PTSD is a life altering and life-threatening condition. ICU diaries have shown promising benefits to helping survivors navigate the trauma they carry with them from the ICU and especially delirium. David Richards shares with us his journey during and after the ICU and how his ICU diary has been a key part of his

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Walking From ICU 104- ICU Rehabilitation

Walking Home From The ICU Episode 104: ICU Rehabilitation

When ICU-acquired weakness is not preventable, or we encounter a patient that has not received the ABCDEF bundle, how can we start the rehabilitation process? What approach can one lone clinician use for initiating recovery or preventing ICU-acquired weakness? Physiotherapist, Lucy Sutton, shares with us incredible insight into ICU rehabilitation. Episode Transcription Kali Dayton 0:01

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Walking From ICU Episode 99- How Physical Therapists Save Lives in the ICU

Walking Home From The ICU Episode 99: How Physical Therapists Save Lives in the ICU

When physical therapists are allowed to work at the top of their licenses, how do they save lives? What barriers prevent them from fully contributing their expertise during critical illness? How is mobility a life-saving intervention? ICU Physical Therapist experts, Kenny Venere, PT, DPT, and Kyle Ridgeway, PT, DPT, CCS share with us their experiences

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Walking From ICU Episode 98- Occupational Therapists Change Outcomes in the ICU

Walking Home From The ICU Episode 98: Occupational Therapists Change Outcomes in the ICU

How can occupational therapists help decrease time on the ventilator and time in the hospital? How can they preserve function and quality of life? What skills do they bring to preventing and treating delirium? Why should they be promptly utilized in a patient’s journey? Corinne, Mallory, and Rachel share give us insight into the value

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Walking From ICU Episode 94- The ICU Deathtrap

Walking Home From The ICU Episode 94: The ICU Deathtrap

Why are prolonged sedation and immobility lethal? How do our standard practices of automatically sedating every patient on a ventilator deprive them of the chance to survive and thrive? What systemic barriers stop us from implementing evidence-based practices that save lives and drastically change outcomes? Michelle, DNP, ACNP dives deep into powerful case studies that

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Walking From ICU Episode 91- The Awake and Walking ICU in Denmark

Walking Home From The ICU Episode 91: The Awake and Walking ICU in Denmark

Are there any other “Awake and Walking ICUs” outside of Salt Lake City, Utah? Dr. Thomas Strom shares with us his team’s success and research in Denmark. He provides powerful insight into the gaps and future of critical care medicine. Episode Transcription Kali Dayton 0:37 Okay, I am so excited about this really powerful episode.

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The service Dayton ICU Consulting provided was exceptional and above expectations.

As an ICU medical director, I have had to unlearn what has been taught to us over the years and what we thought was right. When I started listening to Kali’s Walking Home From The ICU podcast, I felt profound sadness and guilt for what we have done to other human beings while thinking what we’re doing is right.

I have changed my practice and we had Dayton ICU Consulting at our hospital in each of our intensive care units for multiple sessions. It was eye-opening for the staff, especially the bedside RNs.

Lawrence Bistrong, MD, FCCP



Perception Versus Reality: Debunking The Myths About Medically-Induced Comas

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