Dayton Walking From ICU Episode 5 The Big Picture of ICU Delirium with Dr. Wes Ely

Walking Home from The ICU Episode 5: The Big Picture of ICU Delirium with Dr. Wes Ely

Kali talks to Dr. Wes Ely, sub-specialist in pulmonary and critical care medicine, and creator of the cam scoring tool and the ABCDE F bundle. Episode Transcription Kali Dayton Today, we’re going to be talking to Dr. Wes Ely. Dr. Ely is a sub specialist in pulmonary and critical care medicine, and has been a

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Dayton Walking From ICU Episode 3 DNS= Do NOT Sedate Me

Walking Home from The ICU Episode 3: DNS = Do NOT Sedate Me

Kali talks to Susan East, three-time “ARDS” or “ARDS” survivor, about acute respiratory distress syndrome – the most severe forms of lung failure. Episode Transcription Kali Dayton Hello, and welcome back. Today we’re going to talk to Susan East who is a three time “ARDS” or “ARDS” survivor, which represents acute respiratory distress syndrome, which

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Before Kali, our hospital struggled with overly-sedated patients and lack of early mobility. Despite multiple efforts to change the culture, we were at a standstill. In one hour, Kali was able to ignite a flurry of conversations regarding her experience with the Awake and Walking ICU and this immediately led to a change in clinical practice.

Patients with less sedation and other neurotoxic medications are spending fewer days on the ventilator. If you are considering starting an ICU early mobility program at your hospital, your first step needs to be to consult with Kali and absorb as much information as you can!

Matthew McClain, DPT
Florida, USA



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