Walking From ICU Episode 103- Communication Is a Basic Human Right- Especially in the ICU

Walking Home From The ICU Episode 103: Communication Is a Basic Human Right- Especially in the ICU

This episode explores the value of communication in the ICU and the impact of our sedation and immobility practices on the basic human right of communication. Episode Transcription Kali Dayton 0:38 This episode is dedicated to communication and the ICU. This has taken me a long time to publish in part because it is so

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Walking From ICU Episode 94- The ICU Deathtrap

Walking Home From The ICU Episode 94: The ICU Deathtrap

Why are prolonged sedation and immobility lethal? How do our standard practices of automatically sedating every patient on a ventilator deprive them of the chance to survive and thrive? What systemic barriers stop us from implementing evidence-based practices that save lives and drastically change outcomes? Michelle, DNP, ACNP dives deep into powerful case studies that

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Walking From ICU Episode 59 One Nurse Bringing Change to a Hospital System

Walking Home From The ICU Episode 59: One Nurse Bringing Change to a Hospital System

How can one nurse make bring the change? What can happen when a team catches the vision? How can a team transition their culture from deep sedation and immobility to awake and walking? Nora tells us about igniting her team’s fire and the changes they are celebrating.   Episode Transcription Kali Dayton 0:29 Hello, we’ve

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Walking From ICU Episode 57 The Shock of Working in a Normal ICU

Walking Home From The ICU Episode 57: The Shock of Working in a “Normal ICU”

When all you’ve ever known is walking patients on ventilators, what is it like to enter a time machine and go back to sedation and immobility? What did Tara learn taking care of COVID19 patients outside of her “Awake and Walking ICU”? She shares with us her reaffirmed empowerment to change patients’ outcomes through evidence-based

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The service Dayton ICU Consulting provided was exceptional and above expectations.

As an ICU medical director, I have had to unlearn what has been taught to us over the years and what we thought was right. When I started listening to Kali’s Walking Home From The ICU podcast, I felt profound sadness and guilt for what we have done to other human beings while thinking what we’re doing is right.

I have changed my practice and we had Dayton ICU Consulting at our hospital in each of our intensive care units for multiple sessions. It was eye-opening for the staff, especially the bedside RNs.

Lawrence Bistrong, MD, FCCP



Perception Versus Reality: Debunking The Myths About Medically-Induced Comas

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