Episode 133_ _SOAR_ Sedation Off Awake and Rehabilitate_ with Dr. Fuchita

Walking Home From The ICU Episode 133: “SOAR: Sedation Off Awake and Rehabilitate” with Dr. Fuchita

When Dr. Mikita Fuchita heard about an Awake and Walking ICU, he had to see it with his own eyes. After visiting the Awake and Walking ICU, how did Dr. Fuchita embark on bringing his colleagues together to update their sedation and mobility practices? He shares his personal conversion and his team’s journey with us

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Walking Home From The ICU Episode 110: Occupational Therapy in the Trauma ICU

Walking Home From The ICU Episode 110: Occupational Therapy in the Trauma ICU

The trauma ICU has unique risks to agitation, delirium, and long-term impairments. How does occupational therapy help the trauma ICU team avoid sedation, maximize mobility, and radically transform patient outcomes? Phillip Gonzalez, OTR, MOT, shares with us his expertise and success as an occupational therapist in the trauma ICU and traumatic brain injuries. Episode Transcription

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Episode 109: The ABCDEF Bundle for Traumatic Brain Injuries

Walking Home From The ICU Episode 109: The ABCDEF Bundle for Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries can have distinct exceptions that necessitate deep sedation and immobility. How then can we apply the ABCDEF bundle to protect injured brains and restore lives? Charlotte Davis, BSN, RN, CCRN and Richard Rivera, BSN, RN-BC share their expertise and their team’s incredible success with the ABCDEF bundle in the settings of TBI.

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Walking From ICU 108- The ABCDEF Bundle in the Trauma ICU

Walking Home From The ICU Episode 108: The ABCDEF Bundle in the Trauma ICU

The trauma ICU has a variety of high-acuity and difficult conditions that can cause obstacles and hesitation to change sedation and mobility practices. How does the ABCDEF bundle apply to the trauma ICU? Dr. Gregory Schaefer joins us now to discuss his expertise and team’s success in practicing the ABCDEF bundle in the trauma ICU.

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Walking From ICU Episode 107- Awake and Moving in the CVICU

Walking Home From The ICU Episode 107: Awake and Moving in the CVICU

Critically ill cardiovascular patients can be very high-risk and high-acuity patients with numerous devices and multiorgan failure. How and when can we safely initiate early mobility? What role should physical and occupational therapy play in the CVICU? Jenna Hightower, PT, DPT, CCS shares her incredible expertise and ground-breaking work in early mobility in the CVICU.

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Episode 106 Early Mobility During ECMO

Walking Home From The ICU Episode 106: Early Mobility During ECMO

As ECMO programs have grown in demand and popularity during COVID19, what have we learned about the safety, feasibility, and benefit of early mobility? Why is there such a significant disparity in mobility practices between ECMO teams? Dr. Julian Macedo shares with us his expertise and insights into early mobilization during ECMO. Episode Transcription Kali

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Walking From ICU Episode 101- The ABCDEF Bundle in the Neuro ICU

Walking Home From The ICU Episode 101: The ABCDEF Bundle in the Neuro ICU

What does the ABCDEF bundle look like in neurocritical care? When patients suffer conditions such as intracranial hypertension that necessitate sedation and immobility, how does the ABCDEF bundle apply? Neurointensivist, Dr. Neha Dangayach, shares with us her team’s strong ABCDEF culture and practices in the neuro ICU. Episode Transcription Kali Dayton 0:06 In a recent

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As an RN in the Medical-Surgical ICU at the hospital I work at, I began my interest in ICU Liberation through an Evidence-Based Practice project.

While I was initially grabbed by what the literature has to say about over-sedation and patient outcomes, it wasn’t until I discovered Kali’s Walking Home From The ICU podcast that a culture of sedationless ICU care sounded tangible. The group I worked with on the project was both inspired, devastated, and intrigued by the stories Kali illuminates on the podcast, and we were able to bring her to our hospital for a virtual Zoom Webinar, where she presented on the practices in the Awake and Walking ICU.

This webinar was an incredible way to draw attention toward this necessary culture shift as Kali shared stories of patients awake and mobile in the ICU despite the complexity of their illness. The webinar inspired our final draft for the new practice guideline on analgesia and sedation management in the ICU, and since then we have seen intubated COVID patients playing tic tac toe on the door with staff members on the other side, taking laps around the unit, performing their own oral care using a hand mirror, and most importantly, keeping their autonomy and integrity while fighting to leave the ICU to resume the life they had before coming in.

Nora Raher, BSN, RN, MSICU
Virginia, USA



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