Walking From ICU Episode 97- How To Truly Prevent Ventilator-associated Pneumonias

Walking Home From The ICU Episode 97: How To Truly Prevent Ventilator-Associated Pneumonias

How does ventilator-associated pneumonia occur? How does the failure to practice the ABCDEF bundle increase the risks of prolonged time on the ventilator and mortality? What do we know about the impact of early mobility on VAPs? Let’s dive deep into what we know about VAPs and how to drive down the rates in our

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Walking From ICU Episode 96- The Backstory of Ventilator-associated Pneumonia

Walking Home From The ICU Episode 96: The Backstory of Ventilator-associated Pneumonia

Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia has significant lethal and financial repercussions for patients and our healthcare system. So why aren’t we panicking about it? Are hospitals really liable for the costs incurred from this ventilator-associated condition? Dr. Benjamin Wang, MD joins us to share the backstory behind VAPs in our US healthcare system and government. Episode Transcription Kali

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Walking From ICU Episode 95- The Financial Cost of Sedation and Immobility

Walking Home From The ICU Episode 95: The Financial Cost of Sedation and Immobility

When healthcare systems say they don’t have the resources to support proper practices, is that true? How much do deep sedation and immobility cost our ICU teams, hospitals, and healthcare systems? How can we use the research to support our plight for safe staffing ratios and evidence-based practices? Let’s dive deep into the money talk.

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Dayton Walking Through ICU Episode 9 Mobility is a Life-Saving Intervention

Walking You Through The ICU Episode 9: Mobility is a Life-Saving Intervention

Mobility is a life-saving intervention. In this episode, Kali will discuss the lethal risks of Immobility and muscular atrophy and how mobility (even and especially on the ventilator) can help your loved one survive and thrive. Episode Transcription Ok, episode 9. I know this is a lot and I commend you for sticking with this

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Dayton Walking Through ICU Episode 8 Sedation and Medically-Induced Comas

Walking You Through The ICU Episode 8: Sedation and Medically-Induced Comas

Despite the high risks and harm of prolonged deep sedation, why do most ICUs place every patient on a ventilator into a medically-induced coma? Let’s talk straight about the history and big picture of our ICU sedation culture. Episode Transcription Now that you understand delirium, we have to address medically-induced comas. In all honesty, this

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The Walking Home From The ICU podcast has been transformational in helping to change the culture in the small community ICU where I work. I am an occupational therapist and have wanted to implement early mobility in our facility for several years now. It wasn’t until I started listening to this podcast that this “want” became more than that. It became a “must.”

The podcast has made it so easy to share the passion I have gained. The stories of the patients and the knowledge of practitioners sharing their clinical practice advice are so valuable.

Kali Dayton has shared with our team her knowledge through a video format as well. She was able to answer nursing related questions that I, as an OT, haven’t been able to answer. She is professional and willing to share her knowledge and passion in order to make changes in the ICU community around the world.

Kristie Porter, OT
Arizona, USA



Perception Versus Reality: Debunking The Myths About Medically-Induced Comas

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